A perfect blend of stabilizing and grounding with these three essence formulas: Safe Passage, Inner Peace and One Love
Inner Peace:
Ease Transition
Ease life change: new career, moving, marriage, death of loved one, divorce, childbirth, spiritual openings, feel safe to let go and surrender to the present, strengthen your sense of security, trust in life’s unfolding journey—Safe Passage.
Trust in your ability to create your own personal Heaven on Earth.
- Ingredients: Flower Essences Veiny Dock, Northern Wyethia, Heart-leaf Buckwheat, Leiberg’s Stonecrop, Trillium
Balance & Calm
General all-purpose stress remedy. Release stress, balance your body and soul, calm inner-conflict and anger, ease spiritual centering and meditation, create greater acceptance of what is, release childhood issues, support children of divorce. Relax…trust life.
Trust in your ability to create your own personal Heaven on Earth.
- Issues: Stress-Reducer Acceptance Anger Conflict
- Ingredients: Water infusion of Green-Banded Mariposa Lily, Phantom Orchid, Orange Honeysuckle, Stinging Nettle, Blue Elderberry, Rose Quartz preserved in brandy
One Love:
Open and support your heart, build self-love, self worth, and self-reliance, feel more loved and treasured, nurture your heart during relationship change or emotional processing, feel more abundant, and compassionate for yourself. Flower essences awaken our intuitive gifts as well.
Trust in your ability to create your own personal Heaven on Earth.
- Ingredients: Flower Essences Pearhip Rose, California Poppy, Pearly Everlasting, Self-heal, Ball-head Waterleaf, Grass Widow, Hood River Milk-vetch